February 25, 2011

Blue Music

Ever wonder how colors plays out in music? Here's some great examples with the color blue.  The video pick's are based on the color either appearing in lyrics and / or in a visual presentation. Some would may question why I not mention blues music as a genre. There is of course a link between the color blue and blues music, but this is such a vast area to cover that it is more than worth a blog post alone. And in a humble way I do know a thing or two about that. My mom loved music and she was a great fan of Billie Holiday. So against odds, as a child I grew up with blues music. I do comment about it in my project, ref. Have a colorful new year. Sometimes a little overwhelmed with only spare time and weekends to work on it - but it is moving forward, still in the process ; it may turn out to be a publication in some sort. Time will tell!

But back to the music! 

I was amazed finding this video with Dorothy Moore with the song that originates from her album dated 1976. There is no special effects, no lady Gaga costumes, the backdrop is so simple and in front a natural,  sometimes quirky, not choreographed singer with a big voice and a lot of soul. This video has restrictions in regards to copying so you have to click this link to see the video on you tube: Misty Blue

Moby's "Into the blue" resonates towards explaining the blue color as a communicative color and the video incorporates the use of relevant elements:

Moby - Into the blue - 1995

Bob Dylan recently appeared on the Grammy's award and for new generations an older ramblin' unknown guy with lyrics difficult to pick up. But he had (and may still have) an enormous impact on the baby boom generation. I can only encourage to explore his career, his impact and maybe most importantly his lyrics. In regards to this video clip "Tangled up in blue" is not a typical blues tune. In that sense I could have easily served you B.B. King's "Why I sing the blues" or another classic blues song. But this live video clip of Bob Dylan, gives other explanations to "why you sing the blues", about life known as complicated. Also the use of blue light on the cast of the video is interesting.

Bob Dylan - Tangled up in blue, 1974

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